גיל נדל משרד עורכי דין

An International Forwarder Will Compensate an Importer of Damages Speakers, Even though They Weren’t

The port lost a container? The port will recompense the importer

The Duty of confirming a Statement of Claim against a Palestinian Importer was handed – Not in All C

Definition of Foreign Company For The Purpose of Service of Court Documents

Cargo was stolen from a warehouse? The warehouse will be required to pay the import taxes.

Who Should Pay For The Storage and Distruction of Forged Goods? The court settles the Matter.

Tips For Smart International Trade During an Economic Crisis

If a shipment arrives in delay, does this justify withholding payment?

What Guarantee Should An Intellectual Property Rights Owner Give As Collateral For Delaying Violatin

What Does the Port Want from the Customs Agent?

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